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Sunfire joins eFuel Alliance

Hamburg / Berlin / Dresden, February 26, 2021

The industry initiative helps achieve European climate goals through the widespread use of e-Fuels. More than 120 companies and associations are represented in the eFuel alliance.

To produce renewable fuels with high efficiency, Sunfire uses the so-called power-to-liquid (PtL) process. In this process, innovative SOEC electrolyzers first convert CO2, steam and electricity produced from renewable sources into a green synthesis gas, which is subsequently further processed using the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. The resulting “renewable crude oil” is then refined in refineries into e-Fuels such as kerosene, diesel and gasoline, which can be deployed in existing fleets and infrastructures.

The eFuel alliance represents a broad range of more than 120 companies and associations from various sectors such as the petroleum industry, plant engineering, the automotive and supplier industry, and shipping. It is committed to advocating, particularly at the European level, for the creation of framework conditions that will enable the market ramp-up of e-Fuels.

“In addition to the great support for e-mobility, it is now up to policy makers to improve the framework conditions for e-Fuels as well. We can only achieve the European climate targets, which have been tightened further, by a ‘doing one thing but not ignoring the other’ approach,” said Ole von Beust, Managing Director of the eFuel Alliance.

This multi-option strategy would allow for better consideration of the practical realities of the climate policy, particularly in European Member States that may struggle with making the transition to e-mobility at the pace that Germany and other countries are able to. This is because e-Fuels offer the opportunity to continue using the existing infrastructure and also to help improve climate protection in the existing large vehicle fleet.

Nils Aldag, CEO and founder of Sunfire said: “In the coming decades, e-Fuels will make an important contribution to decarbonizing the transportation sector. That’s what we believed in when we started developing e-Fuel solutions. And today – ten years later – we are firmly convinced of it. Because our technology is ready. For us to start building large-scale plants and produce e-Fuels on an industrial scale, one last thing is missing: a reliable regulatory framework. The eFuel Alliance gives our concerns a strong voice. At this stage, when we are in the starting blocks, this commitment is enormously important for us.”

The eFuel Alliance is actively involved in the revision of the CO2 fleet regulation and of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) as well as in other projects that are important for the success of the energy transition. It is steadily expanding its scope within Europe, most recently in Austria and with the establishment of an eFuel Alliance in Italy.

About the eFuel Alliance
The eFuel Alliance is a stakeholder initiative, representing more than 120 companies along the value chain of the eFuel production, and committed to promoting political and social acceptance of synthetic liquid fuels from renewable energy sources. It advocates the promotion and global expansion of e-Fuels production capacities and their widespread application. The goals of the initiative are the recognition of e-Fuels as an essential component of a European climate protection policy and their equal treatment with other climate protection technologies in the sense of technological openness. The eFuel Alliance is open to all organizations and interested parties who share the goal of establishing and promoting e-Fuels as a contribution to climate protection and helping them to be used worldwide.
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About Sunfire

Sunfire is a global leader in the production of industrial electrolyzers based on pressurized alkaline and solid oxide (SOEC) technologies. With its electrolysis solutions, Sunfire is addressing a key challenge of today’s energy system: Providing renewable hydrogen and syngas as climate-neutral substitutes for fossil energy. Sunfire’s innovative and proven electrolysis technology enables the transformation of carbon-intensive industries that are currently dependent on fossil-based oil, gas, or coal. The company employs more than 650 people located in Germany and Switzerland.

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