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Sector coupling – “Energiewende” everywhere through Sunfire technology

Dresden/Hannover, 24th till 28th April, 2017.

Sector coupling is a key element in the energy transition. Today, photovoltaics and wind power plants provide cost-effective, clean energy for the electricity sector. In the areas of mobility, heating, cooling and chemistry, however, there are still no convincing solutions for replacing fossil raw materials with environmentally friendly and clean gases and fuels. The aim is to gradually replace fossil raw materials.

Visit us at the Hannover Messe 2017, from April 24th until April 28th, at the joint stand of the Energy Saxony Cluster, Hall 27, booth E51, and at the Integrated Energy Plaza, Hall 27, booth H50. Here, tomorrow’s energy world is made more tangible by presenting interactive exhibits. The central question is what a carbon-neutral economy world can look like.

Sunfire will be presenting different key solutions to the challenges, faced by the industry.

Sunfire Electrolysers (SOEC):

  • Produce clean hydrogen or hydrocarbons from renewable electricity for industrial and chemical companies as well as for refineries and mobility
  • Allow industry to use their existing assets and infrastructure while becoming renewable and clean
    Sunfire Fuel Cells (SOFC):

Generate decentralized clean power and heat all year round for residential and commercial buildings, industrial companies and off-grid equipment in regions with harsh climatic conditions
Lower the CO2 emissions by up to 100 %

In addition, we will be presenting at the Public Forum:

“Steam Electrolysis – the key solution to transfer renewable energy into oil & gas sectors via hydrogen”

Speaker: Dr. Oliver Borm (Product Manager Hydrogen & Fuel)
Time: Wednesday, April 26th, 2017, 10.00 am
Location: Public Forum at the Group Exhibit in Hall 27

Get in touch with us prior to the exhibition and we will be happy to arrange an appointment with you and our product management team. The person to contact is Mr. Nico Ulbicht.

His contact information:

Nico Ulbicht
E-mail address:
Phone: +49 351 896797-990

We are looking forward to your visit and a conversation with you personally!


Your Sunfire-Team

About Sunfire

Sunfire is a global leader in the production of industrial electrolyzers based on pressurized alkaline and solid oxide (SOEC) technologies. With its electrolysis solutions, Sunfire is addressing a key challenge of today’s energy system: Providing renewable hydrogen and syngas as climate-neutral substitutes for fossil energy. Sunfire’s innovative and proven electrolysis technology enables the transformation of carbon-intensive industries that are currently dependent on fossil-based oil, gas, or coal. The company employs more than 650 people located in Germany and Switzerland.

For more information visit


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